- Pictorial embroideries made during the reigns of Elizabeth I and James I were most often used to decorate objects such as pillows or table covers. Produced from an antique pillow cover, circa 1600, in the collection at Colonial Williamsburg, this pillow features fanciful design motifs such as stags, unicorns and birds among the roses and grape vines. View Larger Image Find out more about Colonial Williamsburg here.
- When you buy a Michaelian Home accent piece, whether it be a rug, pillow, or travel bag, youre standing by tradition, and investing in quality and style.
- All pillows come with a poly insert. You can upgrade to Down Stuffer as a luxurious alternative.
NCU-446 ‘English Tapestry’ 18′ x 28′ Needlepoint Pillow
Colors: Natural
Keywords: throw pillows, pillow cases, handcrafted pillow, Rustic
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